Thoughts on
Science and Faith

What can we know?

Michael John

available as ebook at


Science and religious faith are both belief systems, and they share more in common than you might think. They are both attempts to understand the truth about reality. This book explores the underlying assumptions of both science and faith and offers new insights on the science verse religion debate. It turns out that the same assumptions used to justify science can be used to justify the Christian faith. There seems to be a deep connection, and an effort is made to explain the physics of miracles, the afterlife, and heaven.

I've been debating atheists in various discussion groups on-line since the mid 1990's. And I have been slowly converging on a philosophy that incorporates both science and religion (Christian religion). This book is the result of those efforts. This is written for the general public; no special knowledge is assumed. There are no math equations or diagrams. I introduce some concepts and arguments to prove my point with hopefully enough discussion to give them credibility. Perhaps the book can be expanded with further discussion.

I can be contacted using this contact form.

Some Featured discussions in the book:

God can be defined as the truth that underlies all reason and ensures that all facts in the universe form a consistent set. God in this view is the axiom from which all reality is derived. Therefore, all evidence is evidence of the existence of God; it is evidence that all facts are being held together in a coherent way by an abstract, almighty power of reason so that evidence has meaning in the first place.

To say that there is no afterlife is to pose a theory that is inherently unobservable. If you no longer exist, then you cannot observe the fact that you do not exist. Does this unobservability of no afterlife, therefore prove that there is an afterlife? There are only two options, either there is or there is not an afterlife. The only observable option is that there is an afterlife, for at least in this option you can observe.

Truth can be defined as that which corresponds to reality. Stated another way, the purpose of reality is to represent the truth. But what are the characteristics of truth to be represented? How do we recognize what is true? Truth has the character that any attempt to negate the truth only results in proving it. This is demonstrated in many professions. Yet it is we humans who are most interested in demonstrating truth. So the ultimate demonstration of truth will be in the attempt to negate the life of someone who upholds what is right and true with all his strength, only to result in him coming back to life. The resurrection is the ultimate truth.

Jesus did miracle of healing and provision. And he continued to do these miraculous works of compassion even in spite of threats and persecution from the religious leaders.  Eventually, they captured, falsely accused him and convicted him of blasphemy, even thought he had done no harm. They condemned him for his faith because he said he was the Messiah. And they handed him over to the romans to be crucified. He suffered and died and they buried him. And because he persisted in doing good even unto death, Jesus suffered for the cause of love and proved sincerely devoted to righteousness. Yet God raised him from the dead because God does reward people for their faith.

Eventually, Jesus will return from heaven and appear in great glory. And then those who love him will be vindicated and raised from the dead and be gather to him in glory as well. However, those who hate him will be astonished and ashamed to the point where they are no longer able to live with the shame of being so completely wrong. And so the appearing of Jesus will be the judgement of mankind. This will fulfill the expectation that truth will be revealed in reality. Christ will symbolize the truth. And we humans symbolize propositions. And as propositions are judged by what is truth. So we will be judged by the appearing of Christ.

There is energy associated with empty space that consists of the infinite number of virtual particles that constantly pop into and out of existence everywhere. This is the vacuum energy of empty space. These virtual particles exist below the level of measurability, but their accumulated effects gives all the measurable particles their properties that we do observe. It is thought that the very early universe underwent a very rapid expansion, called inflation. Our present, observable universe came about because the high level of vacuum energy responsible for inflation dropped to the present level we observe now. This gave us our present universe. It is thought that our universe may undergo another round of inflation when our present vacuum energy falls to an even lower value. Could this be the mechanism responsible for the creation of the new heavens and new earth mentioned in the bible?

The human soul is like the wave function of quantum mechanics in that it processes many alternative possibilities before deciding how to act or believe. It may be that quantum entanglement is responsible for all the psychic powers and miracles that may occasionally happen. It may be that at death, then, the soul is reduced to its essential properties and is stored in spacetime in the realm of virtual particles below the level of measurability. Extreme events may cause the soul to become revealed again. For example, there may be a principle of conservation of information that prevents too much entropy from occurring at one time. Psychic abilities, miraculous event, life itself, and the resurrection may come about to prevent extreme entropy.


Detailed Chapter Outline:

Chapter 1        What is Truth?
• Here I explain a few theories about truth.
• Correspondence theory of truth.
• Coherence theory of truth.
• But can we ever know the truth about physical reality?


 Chapter 2        To Define God
The universe is logical in all detail.
A short list of assumptions that scientists make is given.
Everything is reasonable.
• Science and theistic faith share the same fundamental premise.
God is the very reason that maintains the logical consistence of all the facts in reality, and here’s how.


 Chapter 3        Observable or Not
A little bit about how the theories of science are supposed to work.
Some examples of unfalsifiable theories.
• Can science state that something actually defies reason?
Can there be brute facts in Nature without explanation?
Can throwing dice be truly random?


 Chapter 4        Meaning of Life
Does science provide any meaning to life?
Science is only concerned about predicting experiments.
• You can’t experiment with meaning.
From Galileo to Newton to Einstein.
The laws of physics are provisional.
• We can’t know we have the final theory.
Science does not address issues of purpose, meaning, or faith.
• The purpose of reality is to demonstrate the principles of logic.
It is we humans who represent reason.
• Heaven and hell represent true and false.


 Chapter 5        The Purpose of it All
How is the character of truth proven?
Truth overcomes all attempts to negate it. This is used in many professions.
• Life demonstrates this character of truth.


 Chapter 6        An Afterlife
Existence is our foremost concern.
Some think there is an afterlife, other do not.
The source that inspires virtues and vices.
Posing that there is no afterlife is not a falsifiable theory.
Practically falsifiable and inherently falsifiable theories.
Posing no afterlife is inherently unobservable. But does this prove that the afterlife exists?
Some have near-death-experiences.
What about life before being born, or reincarnation, or being replicated?


 Chapter 7        What is the Soul
How can the soul continue without the body?
The soul is more than the brain.
The spirit is that part that believes; the soul is what it is you believe.
• The soul is abstract, not concrete.
The soul is what brainwaves are about.
Some thoughts are better than others.


 Chapter 8        Entropy and the Soul
A brief description about entropy, information, and the latest theories.
Entropy may depend on the accuracy of the laws and the initial state.
Many choices make for more entropy in the soul.
Theorists say spacetime itself is a medium of information storage.
• The soul might be stored there after death.
Could a shrinking cosmological event horizon require low entropy events to occur?


 Chapter 9        Paradigm Shifts
When do scientists change their theories?
Faith and deeds is like the scientific paradigm of theory and observation.
The interpretation of life is a Rorschach test.
Everything we do assumes an ultimate future state.
Virtue and sin is defined by acts of the expectation of an ultimate future.
• The afterlife will bring a judgement on every single person.
The afterlife can be compared to a dream.
• If the afterlife is real, then that spiritual reality can be accessed in this life as well.


 Chapter 10      Test the Paranormal
Scientists want physical evidence that paranormal phenomena exist.
• But the science of the paranormal is problematic. We don’t even know how to scientifically define faith.
Miracles are context dependent; you can’t repeat them.
• Shall we create the distress all over again so we can see the miraculous intervention again?
So investigators study innocuous situations of no real importance.
What then are miracles? Miracles would also have to be part of the ultimate laws of Nature.
Thermodynamics and quantum theory both allow unusual events to occur.
How are thoughts like a wave function of quantum theory?
We are all connected through the background of virtual particles.
• When we die, our souls get transferred to this virtual background.


 Chapter 11      Resurrection
There is no difference between living in the afterlife or the resurrection of the dead.
Your faith will be vindicated by the resurrection.
Life and death are like true and false; so we study the characteristics of truth.
God’s judgment of human souls will be how the universe demonstrates the logic behind it.
The only physical evidence of an immortal soul is the resurrection.
• You’ll have to be expecting a resurrection if you are going to receive it.
Some history about the resurrection.


 Chapter 12 Christian Resurrection
Christian scriptures go into some detail on how the resurrection will happen.
So must a messiah come first and rise from the dead?
The first to rise will have to be of a special character.
• The rest of us are just redeemed sinners compared to that.
• He is the standard by which we are judged.
He is not like the supposed dying and rising gods of mythology.
• There is some hint of this in Jewish scriptures.


 Chapter 13      The History of Jesus
A brief history of Jesus as found in the New Testament.
He did miracles; he taught in parables, and he drew large crowds.
But he ran into controversy with the religious leaders.
He claimed to be the Messiah.
So the religious leader accused him of blasphemy and threated to kill him.
Yet he continued to heal people anyway.
So the religious rulers paid someone to betray him.
They captured him at night and tried him in secret.
They handed him over to the Romans who crucified him.
He was buried nearby, but three days later is rose from the grave and appeared to his disciples.
• His disciples began to preach about what they experienced.
And now we have to discern what it all means.


 Chapter 14      His Intent
The meaning of the gospels seems clear in summary.
He predicted that they would kill him, yet he continued anyway.
So he suffered for the cause of love and proved sincerely devoted to righteousness.
And here are the verses in Scripture that prove it.
• Because he was so devoted to God, God raised him from the dead.
What someone believes about Jesus say a lot about their intentions?


 Chapter 15      The Atonement
How does Christian salvation work?
We need an example to inspire us to believe.
Love for Jesus becomes love for his cause and cleanses our hearts of evil intent.
Other theories of atonement and evidence for them.
The penal substitutionary atonement theory and its controversy.
These other theories seem to only be analogies.


 Chapter 16      Atheist Objections
Atheists don’t believe in the miracles of Jesus, and some don’t believe he ever lived.
Some say the gospels are 3rd century fabrications, but we have historical documents from the late first century.
Some say the story changed over time, but the essential story was understood early on.
If the gospels were a late fabrication, then it would have been impossible to correctly name people and places used 100’s of years earlier.
The parallelomania of mythicists is a big conspiracy theory.
God is not like the flying spaghetti monster in the sky.
No alternative theory for the resurrection works.
There was no motive for the disciples to lie.


 Chapter 17      Jewish Objections
Most Jews reject Jesus as Messiah because not enough biblical predictions have been fulfilled.
• He can’t be Messiah until everyone follows him, and no one will follow him until he has first proven worthy of their honor.
So does Scripture predict a suffering Messiah?
They object to the Trinity, that God cannot be a man.
But God appears many times as a man.
There are many scriptures that refer to God as a Father, the Holy Spirit, and as the Son.
Messiah is supposed to represent the highest authority, namely God.
And we expect the rest of the predictions to be fulfilled at the second coming of Christ.


 Chapter 18      The Second Coming
Jesus is worthy of honor, and one day he will come again in great glory.
Everyone will be judged by comparison with him on that day.
• An antichrist is predicted to come first.
The scriptures that will be fulfilled.
Wouldn’t the one true religion affirm the most expedient expression of truth, the resurrection?
The coming of Christ will completely exemplify the nature of truth.
Will the Rapture happen before the tribulation?
Why should anyone want to come back to life to live on earth again?
What happens when the earth becomes overpopulated again?
Why does God allow evil?


 Chapter 19      A New Heaven and Earth
The new heaven and earth are a result of God’s final judgement.
The afterlife will become materially manifested; heaven and hell will become real.
How can a just God punish forever for finite sins?
What about those who have never heard?
It’s easier to believe when you know about Jesus as part of history.
The new earth for his friends, the new heaven for his family?
The universe started out smaller than an atom.
It corresponded to truth distinguished from false, and that’s how it will end.
Heaven and hell will represent true from false. And everything will be perfectly logical.


 Chapter 20      The Physics of Heaven
What principles of Nature could God use to bring about the new heaven and earth?
What does human certainty have to do with the certainty calculated in physics?
God is the one collapsing the wave function.
• Our minds are like wave functions.
Our souls exist in the virtual world, below the zero point energy level of the Uncertainty principle.
Cosmic inflation was driven by a false vacuum energy that fell to the present vacuum energy.
The new heaven and earth may result from another fall of the vacuum energy.
This may be triggered by the complete defeat of all opposition.


 Chapter 21      What is Heaven Like
What could we possibly do for eternity without getting bored?
It will be like a constant miracle.
And our beliefs will become immediately real.
Supernatural abilities will become common place there.
People will be organized according to their beliefs and intentions.
• We will live in the New Jerusalem, where we will all love each other and see God’s face.